"Dice che molte volte dovrei stare zitto perché parlo senza aver sudato.
E le altre volte dovrei stare zitto perché parlo senza aver studiato.
La mia donna dice che - D. D’Amico - Translation

Talks and Posters

    Invited Talks

  1. ISBA Satellite workshop to ISBA World Meeting
    Invited virtual talk: Segmenting brain imaging mass spectrometry data under separate exchangeability
    Lugano, CH - June 2024 -

  2. CMStatistics 2023 (Ercim)
    Invited virtual talk: Bayesian models and computational methods for complex biological and environmental datasets
    Berlin, GE - December 2023 -

  3. CMStatistics 2022 (Ercim)
    Invited virtual talk: Multiple hypothesis screening via mixtures of non-local distributions with applications to genomic datasets
    London, UK - December 2022 -

  4. ISBA World Meeting 2022
    j-ISBA session invited talk: Bayesian screening via mixtures of shrinkage priors with applications to light-sheet fluorescence microscopy in brain imaging
    Montreal, Canada - June 2022 -

  5. SIS 2022
    Invited talk: Clustering artists based on the energy distributions of their songs on Spotify via the Common Atoms Model
    Caserta, IT - June 2022 -

  6. 4th International Conference on Econometrics and Statistics (EcoSta 2021)
    Invited Zoom Talk: Horseshoe Pit – A Unified Framework for Large-Scale Bayesian Inference
    Virtual Conference - June 2021-
  7. Invited Seminars

  8. CSUEB ASA Student Chapter
    Invited virtual 1h talk: Bayesian nonparametric mixtures for novelty detection
    Hayward, CA - October 2022 -

  9. Cattolica - Spring 22 Seminar Series
    Talk: Bayesian nonparametric mixtures for novelty detection and partially exchangeable data
    Statistics Department Seminar - April 2022 -

  10. UCI - Fall 2020 Seminar Series
    Zoom Seminar: Bayesian Sparse Regression via Cluster Shrinkage Parameters
    Statistics Department Seminar - November 2020 -

  11. Contributed Talks

  12. BAYSM 2023
    Contributed Talk: Segmenting MALDI-MSI brain imaging mass spectrometry data under separate exchangeability
    Virtual Conference - November 2023 -

  13. SIS 2023
    Contributed Talk with Poster: Bayesian analysis of Amazon’s best-selling books via finite nested mixture models
    Ancona, IT - June 2023 -

  14. SIS 2022
    Contributed talk: A tool to validate the assumptions on ratios of nearest neighbors’ distances: the Consecutive Ratio Paths
    Caserta, IT - June 2022 -

  15. Joint Statistical Meeting 2021
    Contributed Zoom Talk: Detecting Brain Activation via Bayesian Mixture of Horseshoe Distributions
    Virtual Conference - August 2021 -

  16. ISBA World Meeting 2021
    Contributed Zoom Talk: Bayesian Variable Selection via Mixture of Horseshoe Distributions
    Virtual Conference - June 2021 -

  17. Bayes Comp 2020
    Contributed Talk: Bayesian nonparametric dimensionality reduction via estimation of data intrinsic dimensions
    Florida, US - January 2020 -

  18. 12th IBS-Italian Region conference
    Contributed Talk: Modeling Human Microbiome Data via Latent Nested Nonparametric Priors
    Naples, IT - July 2019 -

  19. Posters

  20. ISBA 2024 World Meeting
    Poster: Finite-infinite nested priors for the segmentation of complex, large-scale grouped datasets
    Venice - July 2024 -

  21. Models and Learning for Clustering and Classification
    Video Poster: Bayesian Nonparametric Functional Novelty Detector
    Virtual Conference - September 2020 -

  22. Young-ISA Twitter Poster Conference (#YISAPoster2020)
    Virtual Poster: A Two-Stage Bayesian Nonparametric Model for Novelty Detection with Robust Prior Information
    Twitter - July 2020 -

  23. BNP19 - Bayesian Nonparametrics
    Poster: Modeling Human Microbiome Data via Latent Nested Nonparametric Priors
    Oxford - June 2019 -